Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finally A New Post!!!

Yes!! We are alive and well! We have had many wonderful days since last we blogged, however not enough time to blog about it all. Halloween has come and gone again. Our beautiful little sugar plum fairy experienced her first school Halloween parade and party. She was a little hesitant to try the witches brew (homemade rootbeer) during her class party.When asked who that fantastic clone trooper was during the parade, he lifted up his helmet so I could see it was really him. He was one of many. Landon and Miranda enjoyed the ward chili and trunk or treat then spent the rest of their energy racing from house to house wearing Mom and Dad out. Notice his missing front tooth... The next will soon follow suit and he will be wishing for his two front teeth this christmas.
No school parades for this intermediate school scary guy. Trick or Treating and partying with friends is the thing to do now. From one Trunk or Treat to another then ending up at a friends house for fun and games is how Preston spent the evening. After learning about Halloween safety in school, Landon, being concerned that Preston was in black, lovingly gave Preston his pumpkin reflector to keep him safe.Thinking he was old enough to handle the haunted maze he journeyed with his friends to Staheli Farms. Unfortunately, he was hit on the face with a baseball bat. A monster who was aiming at a tree nailed Byron instead. Oops. No permanent (or even noticable) damage. Just a sore jaw. By the way, the monster unmasked himself and apologized profusely. Byron did admit the maze was scarrier than he thought it would be. After the maze they joined Preston's group for fun and games. Partying late into the night (10:30).I plan to spend the next hour updating on all the blogs I have not kept up with. I hope all is well with everyone. We are doing great! The daycare is doing well and keeping us busy. Our kids are also well and making us proud as they grow and mature. Hopefully the next post won't be another 3 months away. For those of you local people... Preston's show starts this Thursday November 5th at the Opera House at 7:30. $5 per person or $20 per family. It runs every Thurs. Fri. Sat. and Mon. for two weeks. I hope you can all make it out to see this fabulous readers theater, "Searching For Neverland". Preston plays Slightly, a lost boy.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

SLC Trip

We recently took a trip to the Salt Lake area and wanted to include some of the details in our blog. It was a fun and eventful weekend.(June 27-30).

First, on Saturday we were able to attend the open house for the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple in South Jordan. It was very beautiful and uplifting. We got some pretty good pictures of the exterior. When I tried to take a picture of the inside, I was tackled by an eighty year-old guide. I guess they discourage that.

This picture was taken at the fun little reception they had at the end of the tour. The staff and volunteers did an excellent job.

Saturday evening we were excited to be able to attend, along with my parents, a play in American Fork that my brother Shane was in. The play was a biblically set musical by Stephen Schwartz called "Children of Eden". Shane, of course, played the role of God, or as He was known in the show: "The Father". We thoroughly enjoyed this production from beginning to end. The cast (especially Shane) was excellent and talented. The play itself was entertaining as well as thought provoking.
On Sunday, we had the opportunity to attend my Uncle Clint and Aunt Joyce's ward in West Jordan as they spoke in their sacrament meeting. They have recently returned from a mission in Australia. We really appreciated their insights and experiences they shared with us. Afterward, the family met at their house nearby to eat and visit. It was nice to see a lot of family we don't get to see very often.
Later that day, we took the opportunity to stop and visit the SLC temple. It's always awe inspiring to visit temple square, and fun to see the kinds of characters that show up there on a Sunday afternoon.
On Monday, we went to Lagoon! We had a lot of fun! It has been a while since we had been there so it was great to see the 4 or 5 new rides they have added. "Wicked" is definitely the best new ride, possibly the best ride in the park. Yeah!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Family Pics

Our friend, Amanda Hansen, took our family photos on Thursday. She did a fantastic job! These are just some of our favorites...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fun Times

These are the happenings at the Warby household for the week of June 8th. Landon and Miranda finished their swim lessons.
We have begun to reap the fruits of our labors.

We celebrated Preston's 11th Birthday. Yay!! He received wonderful gifts: gift cards, clothes, DS games, money, and a DSI. He was very pleased!! Thanks everyone!! *Picture courtesy of Aliese's blog.
We welcomed our new little nephew and cousin. Glad he made it here safely. Congratulations!!!
Nathan sang the National Anthem at the Roadrunner game on Saturday. He did fantastic (see below). It started raining during the second inning. We were soaked. So we left and went swimming at Fry's, (the storm had already passed over there).

Unfortunately not the best quality. They were taken with my phone. I forgot the good camera!! Oh well... you get the point.
Have a fabulous week!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

End of School Year Hijinx

The Nathan and Amy Warby family is proud to announce that they have once again survived another school year. It remains to be seen if they will survive the summer. Yikes!

That being said, there have been many fun and exciting events in the past couple of weeks, which we will share with you now.

First of all was Miranda's Preschool graduation. We made our annual visit to attend this event last week for the last time. We have had a child in Miss Kerri's preschool every year (with the exception of 1 gap year between Preston and Landon) since Byron was 3. It was a bittersweet time for us. We are sad to see the preschool days for our children behind us, but we love to watch our children grow and learn and move through the stages of their lives. The graduation program itself was very cute and fun. The kids sang their songs and recited their lines as only 4 year olds can. At the end they were each rewarded with kind words from their teacher, Kerri Paddock, and Kool-Aid squeez-its. We are so proud of Miranda and all the progress she has made.

Next comes Landon. Now, you may think completing first grade isn't such a big deal, but for Landon, this year has been quite transformational. After a kindergarten year that was a little touch and go at times, he really stepped up and met the challenges of first grade....well, like a Warby. We have watched as Landon took his weaknesses and made them strengths. We are so grateful for his wonderful and patient teacher, Mrs. Comeford, and his reading teacher, Mrs. Hammond. Landon has improved in every area of his academics, but especially in reading and writing. Anyway, we attended his first grade end of year program last week where they sang and recited poetry as only 7 year olds can. See pictures below.

Next comes Oscar. Oh wait, that's Preston. It's hard to tell with that hair. Anyway, this week, Preston completed the fifth grade! Elementary school, Bye, Bye. We are so Proud of what Preston has accomplished in his Washington Elementary School career. He has racked up mad stats and has laid many beat downs on the opposition. Scores of math and spelling tests have been sent to the sidelines crying and asking for their mommies. He was voted as the best academic boy in his class and we look for him to possibly repeat next year. We know that he will do well in sixth grade. We did go to a graduation program for the fifth grade last week where they sang songs and recited literature as only 10 year olds can.
We also went to his end of the year orchestra concert at Fossil Ridge where he performed quite competently on his viola. You see, in addition to mastering academics, Preston has been learning the ropes on the strings at early early morning orchestra (thanks for driving me, Dad). He expects to continue his progress in the coming school year.

Last of all, Byron. What can we say about Byron. He is a fantastic kid. He has just finished seventh grade and will move on to Pine View Middle School next year. Do you know what that means? For the first time, one of Nathan's children will be roaming the halls of a school he himself once terrorized. Wow! I feel old. I hope he does better there than I did. Byron has been great this year. He is starting to take more and more responsibility for his own school success. These are defining times in a young man's life and Byron continues to step up and meet new challenges head on. Like our other children, we have seen him improve in many different areas of his academics and life. He loves scouts and hanging with his friends. He really loved his science and business classes this year. We went to his end of the school year band concert where they played their individual instruments in harmony as only 13 year olds can. Actually, all kidding aside, it was probably the best 7th grade band concert we have ever been to. They were great. Kudos to Mrs. Hodek the band teacher. Byron had a Gong solo that rocked the house! The 5 gallon bucket number was fun, too.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Miracle of Inspiration

I don't claim to be a great, or even a good, writer. I hope my jumble of thoughts make sense to those of you reading them.
The events of the past week inspired the subject for this post. The first being the birth of the daughter of a very good friend. The baby was taken by emergency c-section at just 28 weeks because of complications due to high blood pressure. To see the story of Baby Grace click here:
I have been amazed at this tiny new miracle all week. My thoughts have been with her and her family constantly. so no surprise when during quiet time the other day while listening to Laura Ingraham, I related Gracie's story with the subject at hand: Abortion. Now, I have always had strong feelings about the subject but have never thought that my simple mind could really do anything to make a difference. Well, this morning I had an overwhelming feeling to share my thoughts and I hope
that they will inspire others to do the same. Maybe all of our simple minds together will make a difference.
One subject that was talked about during the show was puppies. Now, don't get me wrong, I just adore puppies and agree that hurting them is a despicable act. But, should the punishment be worse for harming a dog than killing an unborn baby? Should the consequence for leaving a dog unattended in a hot car be more than for that of leaving a baby? My simple mind says the answer is: no way!! Hello, common sense?!? Where has the value for human life gone?
I know the arguments for pro choice. I've heard them all as I'm sure you have too. We are given laws to follow and it is those laws that give us the freedoms that we have, right? Isn't it the rules that make our country free? I firmly believe in free agency. We need that agency to prove who we are. Let us make our own choice between good and evil and then... accept the consequences that are given with those choices. We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are given guidelines (laws) to keep us safe. Laws for traffic, taxes, murder, stealing, etc. etc. If we CHOOSE to break the law we have to pay the price, and face the consequence.
I am also pro. choice, but in a different way than most others. I believe the choice comes when a young woman decides or chooses to have sex. Once that choice is made, she should have to face the consequence of her actions. (I know there are circumstances where the girl did not make that choice and was forced, but that is not my argument today... that's a whole other story)
Look at beautiful (yes, I thinks she's beautiful) baby Gracie. She has a spirit and a body. She is alive, she is a human being. Where does the world get the idea that it is OK to kill these Innocent babies before they even get a chance to make choices of their own. Oh the pain I felt as they spoke about the nurses that have come forward to say that in some late term abortions these precious babies are born alive!!! How can any good person say then that abortion is not murder?!? How can anyone take that infant and toss it aside with the trash? What has happened to morals and values? A man who throws a bag of puppies in the trash is prosecuted worse than those performing and choosing abortion. How could that possibly be worse?
What do I know, you may ask? What about the shame these girls would have to face? The embarrassment, the stretch marks, they may loose their job or someone they love. Oh- all the excuses, all the selfish pride. But wait... I DO know. I've felt all of that and never once did the thought of killing my unborn child cross my mind. Abortions are a sick, twisted, selfish way of avoiding the consequence of a CHOICE already made. My own personal choice was to keep my child- having already graduated High School and loving my baby's father, getting married was the right decision for us. I understand that it is not the choice everyone should make, every situation is different. But other options? Absolutely!!! So many!!! I know many couples who would love to parent these unwanted infants. There are those who argue that without abortions the foster system would be overwhelmed with even more unwanted children. I believe that if done the right way, every one of these cases could be given a loving set of parents. If abortion wasn't an option, it wouldn't mean a young woman couldn't make a choice. It would just mean she would have to make a different choice. She wouldn't have to be a mom, she would just have to be selfless for 9 months to give the child a life. Just sacrifice 9 months. That's not too much to ask of these young women.
We have become a selfish people. Too many times this backwards world we live in takes the easy way out instead of the right way.
I fear for the future of abortions. I fear the new leadership we have will make it even easier to kill the unborn babies. I cry for those lost lives, for the children they could have become and for the lives they may have impacted. I pray that people will see what a worthwhile decision adoption could be. There are long lists of good couples just waiting for someone to give them the greatest gift a person can give another. I am thankful for the knowledge that I have of the plan of salvation. I am grateful for the guidelines I have that lead me on the right path. I pray that those young women out there who are trying to make a decision will see how wrong Abortion is, face the consequence for the choice they made and start making good, right, brave, selfless, and worthwhile decisions.
I thank my Father in Heaven for the life of baby Grace. She is an inspiration
and example to me.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Hunt is On

Our Easter weekend started off with a bang!! The Robert's, (my sister Jen and her kids, Tanner, Nikki and Matthew), from New Jersey were in town and we met at G-ma Fry's house Saturday morning for the traditional egg dying. Aunt Renee and little Mikey were there as well as Darrin and Aliese. The kids were so excited to see their cousins. The eggs were beautiful (especially the glitter ones) and delicious (Landon's were gone just minutes after the color dried). Later we took our little Monsters and Aliens to the movies to see... yep you guessed it... Monsters and Aliens.

We returned home that afternoon to the annual Warby egg hunt. Thanks G-ma and G-pa Warby.
And that was just the beginning...

Landon checking the boat for more eggs at the Warby egg hunt.

Preston helping Miranda find more eggs.
Landon dying eggs at the Fry's house
Byron, Tanner and Preston

Miranda just loves her cousin Nikki!!

For our Easter dinner we had everyone (Jen and kids, Mom and Dad, Darrin and Aliese, Garrett, Valerie and beautiful baby Brock) at our house. We ate a wonderful dinner with the best ham I have ever had (thanks Mom). Followed by a fun egg hunt for the kids. Now we have enough candy to last a year (at least it should have lasted a year, unfortunately it only lasted a week).

Thanks again to Aliese for the pictures.

I just love spending time with family!! It was so wonderful to see and talk (and talk, and talk) to Jen. Preston and Byron couldn't get enough of Tanner. Miranda followed Nikki around, and Matthew is so funny!! It was great to see them!! I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter! I am so grateful for the experiences I've had and for the Atonement of our Savior.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Miranda's Glamor Shots

This is what happens on a lazy conference Sunday morning and a little extra time. When Miranda was done I proceeded to ask who was next. Each boy volunteered another, which ended my fun. Oh well... at least I have one little girl to play dress-up with.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Landon's B-Day

(Before the official post: a couple of pix at Red Robin with Kelli, Darrin, and Aliese)

Hey everyone! Just a post to memorialize Landon's 7th birthday.

Landon has been anxiously awaiting his birthday for several weeks. His brothers helped him form a wish list and refine it as he has seen different commercials or seen toy ads in the mail. Well, today we found out that modern advertising targeted directly at children works. Among his favorites are his radio controlled truck from g-ma and g-pa Warby, his shooting target from g-ma and g-pa Fry, and of course the oh so coveted Bendaroos. Thank you for all the wonderful and thoughtful gifts.
We had his family party at noon today with pizza, cake, and ice cream. He was excited to see everyone here just for him. We won't tell him that the free pizza may have had something to do with it. This evening we took him to the restaraunt of his choice. When you think about it, it really was a great choice. Look at the happy clown!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

This Week

As I am writing this post, we are watching a 48 hrs mystery about a woman who shoots her husband in his sleep. I am glad I do not have a homicidal wife. I probably would have been removed from this earth long ago. Thanks for your patience, honey.

Anyway, this week has been interesting as we have had the kids home for spring break. Monday was Byron's 13th birthday. We had the family over for the festivities at which time he received his new 16G i-pod touch. Byron was extremely grateful to all who contributed to this gift. Today is Saturday. He has only looked away from it since Monday to sleep, eat, and when his mother wouldn't let him take it on his campout last night. We look forward to getting our son back sometime in the near future.

The kids have been very helpful with the daycare this week. We thought they might be bored but everyone has had a good time. We started a small garden in the back yard so if anyone has any tips or suggestions, please let us know. We are trying a little bit of a lot of different things to see what works good so it should be a good learning experience. That's kind of our theory with our kids, too. Maybe one or two of them will turn out OK. Whatever.

Landon's 7th birthday is coming up next Saturday the 28th. Everyone who would be reading this blog is invited over for lunch at approximately 12 noon (immediately following his 11 am soccer game) to celebrate. If anyone is interested in present ideas I think I heard him say he wanted the 2nd or 3rd season of "The Office". Something like that. Or maybe a kite or skateboard or something.

The End.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The House That Nate Built

This is Nate.

This is the house that Nate built.

This is the baby that lives in the house that Nate built.

This is the family of that beautiful baby that live in the house that Nate built.

This is the father of that little bunny's family that live in the house that Nate built.

These are the children that take care of the father, the little baby bunny, and her family that live in the house that Nate built.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We are so proud!

Hey Everyone. Go check out how smart Preston is!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"The Klondike" by Byron

Early one Friday, I went to the church to meet my troop to head to the Klondike. We went to Cedar Mountain.
One of our leaders(the Bowles) went up early to get the best spot and sure enough, we got a large area with a huge snow pile, and immediately set off to work. A few others and I started to dig out an area to put the fire pit and a place to put chairs, while others built paths, set up kitchen and packing the snow on the mound. We had a lot of activities which included drilling through a lake, fishing for mouse traps and a sled race. The cave was warm at night and the whole first day was devoted the the making of the cave.
(center) the inside of the cave in the morning ( I'm all the way down in the cave)

(top) the mound with the tall flag and back to the trees was our camp
(Bottom) the activity fishing for mouse traps (we also drilled through the lake we are standing on)

above is pictures
(top) finished snow cave
(center) finished snow cave
(bottom) almost finished snow cave

This is all our troop.

Above is the only hole we could make in the attempt to break the snow cave.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Boys and Bunnies

The bunnies have opened their eyes and are moving around more. Karleena, Mallory and Hannah joined us this evening for great entertainment watching the 2 week old bunnies. We have given them temporary nicknames. Aliese lovingly named the one she likes "Truffle" which then led to the name of "Cookie" and "Carmel" for the other two. Nate says the names are fitting (Yummy!).

Cookie Truffle
Landon had a great accomplishment this week... he is now a member of the Smart Club. His 1st grade teacher awards the children for saying smart things. When they get enough smart cards then they are in the Smart Club. He was so excited. He came home with a certificate and a pen, (which he used to draw all over his face and arms). I am so proud of how far Landon has come since his struggles through Kindergarten. He had an amazing reading recovery teacher and is now reading on grade level. And he only missed one on his last spelling test. I am grateful to those who have taken extra time with him this year.
Landon and Preston with bunnies.

Mommy Princess with babies
Last Friday Byron left for his adventure in the snow (commonly known as the Klondike). I will let him blog about it when he gets some pictures. I am just happy that he returned home safe and sound with all his fingers and toes. I don't understand why boys choose to torture themselves.